Tuesday, 15 September 2009

LH -Institutional Context

What is the procedure for making a music video?

When creating a music video the artist and promotions team would have to agree on a track that they think would be suitable for creating a good video that will simply sell the product (artist.) After the track has been decided the team would then run up a list of directors that they think would be suitable for creating a video. A brief would write up the ideas in a short and un-complicated list and send them to the directors that have been shortlisted. Once the directors have received the brief then they would each add their on individual views and ideas. Once terms and conditions including prices and budgets have been agreed then the director is able to then develop the idea and add their own unique style. An art director, wardrobe people and the director of photography are enlisted and locations are booked and sets are designed where relevant and needed. Once the sets have been designed thoroughly they are then built. All personnel who are featuring within the music video are on site for the shoot. Once the shooting has been completed then the film is transferred to tape for editing. The editor of the film then produces a roughcut that he shows to the artist and label for review.Changes are agreed and then made before any SFX/visual effects are made. Once the video is completed it is passed on to the label for release to TV (music channels) and airplay in advance for single release.

What role does the digipak play in constructing band/promoting artist?

The digipak is a good way of promoting the artist and combining this with a magazine advertisement will not only help to sell the record but also allow the public to know the artist which in future will help their record sales. A digipak consists of CD cases that often fold out and are environmentally friendly as well as useful. The whole case is created with a printed picture replacing a CD cover. This often is a picture of the artist/band or something that can represent the genre of the music or perhaps the songs within. Obviously with a picture of the artist/band on the front of the CD case this is promotion for the artist as they are seen people will recognise them, learn who they are and buy their albums. The next time they appear in shops or in other forms of media the audience may take interest in the story and overall fame increases.

Role of 'we media'? This should be a detailed response.

'We media' is where we are effectively the author as we can add and change the videos ourselves, it ties in with web 2.0 which is websites such as youtube.'We Media' has a significant role in promoting and selling an artists music video as it can allow unknown artists to publish and get themselves known as an artists. 'We media' allows people to put their own views and opinions across by adding their own comments and justifying their viewpoints. Overall 'we media' is seen as the way forward as people can now promote themselves, put their own opinions across and justify their reasoning's without being challenged and free of charge. 'We media' allows any person to provide any other person with media without it being produced by large media cooperation's such as BBC.

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